
Philosophy of Language
Intermediate Level
7,5 ECTS
Lund University

I’ve been the sole teacher for this course twice yearly since Fall 2022. The course is the first intermediate level overview of philosophy of language, covering the development of the subject from the early 20th century to contemporary work. It contains sections covering views on meaning, reference, as well as selected topics within pragmatics. For more details and course materials, click here.

Key Issues in Modern Theoretical Philosophy
B. A. Level
7,5 ECTS
Lund University

I have been teaching the portion of this course which covers philosophy of language twice yearly since Fall 2022. The course consists of seminars on seven different subfields of philosophy. Before each class, the students are assigned two to three original articles to write an overview and analysis of which are then presented and discussed with the rest of the class.

Philosophy of Science
Basic Level
2,5 ECTS
Lund University

This course is an introduction to Philosophy of Science for students at the Faculty of Medicine. I developed and taught one round of this course in Fall 2022.

Pedagogical Training

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Lund University

This course provides the foundation in pedagogical principles and practices within the Swedish higher education context. Drawing on research on teaching within an academic context, the course develops participants’ pedagogical competence through exploring our understanding of how learning works as well as the foundational elements of course design, including intended learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment. This course resulted in a report on strategies for overcoming maths anxiety when teaching formal logic to philosophy students. Link to pdf.

Course Design in Higher Education
4,5 ECTS
Lund University

The course enhances participants’ understanding of student learning and course design, by reviewing relevant literature and research in higher education. Course content explores conditions and design choices for learning, as well as suggests various approaches to implement, evaluate, and document changes in your course design. During the course, I worked to redevelop the department’s course in Philosophy of Language. That work resulted in the following report. Link to pdf.